Presentence Investigation Unit

Lorain County Adult Probation was awarded grant money to fund a specialized unit for Presentence Investigations in 2011. This unit specializes in writing Presentence Investigations, Post-Sentence Investigations, Intervention In Lieu of Conviction and Expungement Reports. These reports are required by law and are imperative in providing information to the Courts prior to sentencing.

Presentence Investigators

Lesley Nelson
Presentence Investigation Coordinator
(440) 328-2126
Nicole Haggerty
Presentence Investigator
(440) 328-2127
Melissa Lanzer
Presentence Investigator
(440) 328-2129
Ted Davis
Presentence Investigator
(440) 328-2124
Lori O'Connor 
Presentence Investigator
(440) 328-2130
Mike Piedmonte
Presentence Investigator
(440) 328-2122
Dawn Resar
Presentence Investigator
(440) 328-2120